Small Grants 2022: Young Adult Mental Health Pathway Posted on 02/01/2022 in News News, Digital Inclusion Digital Inclusion, Young People Young People, Supplementary Schools Supplementary Schools, Small Grants Small Grants, Blog Blog Young K&C is delighted to be distributing a new grants fund for the voluntary and community sector, in partnership with NHS North West London and RBKC. Local voluntary organisations working with children and young people in Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea can apply for funding for projects that improve the mental health and wellbeing of young adults
Young K&C Member Spotlight December 2021: London Sport Posted on 03/12/2021 in News News, Children Children, Young People Young People, Blog Blog This month's Member Spotlight is London Sport, who support young Londoners by encouraging activity and ensuring local play spaces are safe. London Sport work with Londoners to encourage a healthier and happier lifestyle for all
Small Grants 2022: Connecting Young K&C Posted on 10/11/2021 in News News, Digital Inclusion Digital Inclusion, Children Children, Young People Young People, Small Grants Small Grants, Blog Blog Young K&C is delighted to be distributing a new grants fund for members, in partnership with John Lyon’s Charity. Local voluntary organisations working with children and young people in Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea can apply for funding of up to £5,000 (or up to £10,000 for projects with disabled children).
Young K&C Member Spotlight November 2021: Baraka Community Association Posted on 31/10/2021 in News News, Children Children, Young People Young People, Supplementary Schools Supplementary Schools, Blog Blog This month's Member Spotlight is Baraka Community Association, who support local young people and families through educational and well being support. Baraka Community Association are long established members of the local community who continue to encourage young people to build confidence, learn new skills and support each another.
Small Grants 2021: Exploring Culture, Identity and Heritage Posted on 28/10/2021 in News News, Children Children, Young People Young People, Small Grants Small Grants, Blog Blog Local voluntary organisations working with children and young people in Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea can apply for funding of up to £3,000 (or up to £6,000 for projects with disabled children) for projects that explore culture, identity, and heritage.
National Work Life Week Posted on 13/10/2021 in News News, Blog Blog, Resources Resources National Work Life Week is an opportunity for both employers and employees to focus on wellbeing at work and work-life balance. Employers can use the week to provide activities for staff and to showcase their flexible working policies and practices.
Young K&C Member Spotlight October 2021: Eritrean Parent's and Children's Association Posted on 02/10/2021 in News News, Young People Young People, Supplementary Schools Supplementary Schools, Blog Blog, Children Children This month's Member Spotlight is the Eritrean Parent's and Children's Association, who provide educational support to local young people. EPCA provides a range of programmes that encourage young people to learn new skills, build their confidence and create lifelong connections with each other.
Young K&C Member Spotlight September 2021: ACAVA Posted on 17/09/2021 in News News, Blog Blog, Young People Young People, Children Children This month's Member Spotlight is ACAVA, who empower local residents through creativity and wellbeing. In RBKC, ACAVA provides a range of programmes that allow children, young people and families to explore art and reconnect with the community and each other.
Young K&C Member Spotlight June 2021: The Campden Charities Posted on 02/06/2021 in News News, Blog Blog, Small Grants Small Grants This month’s Member Spotlight is The Campden Charities, who help Kensington residents in financial need reach for a better future. They make grants to assist with the costs of education, training, volunteering and sustaining employment (e.g. travel, clothing, childcare), as well as essential household goods and services that low-income individuals and families would find difficult to afford as they are endeavouring to improve their financial circumstances.
Inspiring Young K&C: Small Grants 2021 Posted on 19/05/2021 in News News, Children Children, Young People Young People, Small Grants Small Grants, Blog Blog Local voluntary organisations working with children and young people in Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea can apply for funding of up to £5,000 (or up to £10,000 for projects with disabled children) for activities that inspire and engage children and young people.