Dadihiye Supplementary School - photo

Dadihiye Supplementary School

Organisation Member

About Organisation

We run a supplementary school to assist children with their school homework, maths, English, Science, etc. We also organise outings and trips for children and young people during school holidays. The school works within the national curriculum. The school runs for 39 weeks each year from 5.30pm to 8pm so that children can be helped with homework but also with other areas of the curriculum that the children might need help with. The school exists to help address the low academic attainment that currently faces the Somali community. We support members from BME communities mainly from those from Somali Background, who are disadvantaged, low- income families, elders, disabled or live in most deprived areas all over London but particularly from London Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (RBKC), i.e. North Kensington, Earls Court, Wolds End Estates, etc in RBKC. Dadihiye aims to continue to make positive contribution to the socio-economic development our service users and improve their lifestyle. Our vision is that the Somali Community to integrate to the wider UK society to achieve good quality of education, financial independence, self-confidence and social inclusive within the UK’s multicultural society. Email:

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