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Community Spirit Small Grants Fund Application Year 3

About Us
The K+C Foundation is an independent charity working towards a vision of a borough where everyone can live happy, healthy and fulfilled lives. We identify and support impactful local projects that improve the lives and life chances of some of the most vulnerable members of our community.

Aims of the Community Spirit Small Grants Fund
This is a small grants fund to support events and activities that bring joy, hope and healing to our community. The majority of the beneficiaries of your project must be residents of Kensington + Chelsea.

The funding is for one-off events and short-term projects (no more than 6 consecutive weeks and separate from your ongoing, longer-term work) such as cultural and celebration events, school holiday activities, workshops and sports tournaments. Activities can take place both in person and online, and you may include equipment costs in your budget. We are particularly interested in applications for projects in the south of the borough.

What funding is available?
The maximum grant available is £1,000. The amount you apply for must make up at least 25% of the total project cost.

Who can apply?
The Community Spirit Small Grants Fund is open to local voluntary and community groups, faith groups, residents’ associations and CICs limited by guarantee. (If your group is not constituted i.e. does not have its own bank account, you must find a local constituted organisation which is willing to vouch for you and hold funds on your behalf). We particularly welcome applications from grassroots organisations working with minoritised or excluded communities.

In order for your application to be considered your organisation must:
1. Be based in Kensington + Chelsea and/or have an established reputation for working locally
2. Have the necessary insurances, safeguarding policies and DBS checks in place for staff and volunteers
3. Be up to date with all reporting requirements for previous K+C Foundation grants

Applications will be considered by a grants panel who will assess your proposal against the following criteria:
1. How well does the project address the aims of the fund?
2. How clear is the intended impact of the project and is there an evaluation plan?

There is no deadline and we will review applications on a rolling basis. We advise applying at least 6 weeks before a project is due to start. You can apply more than once in a 12-month period, but due to limited funds we may give priority to organisations who have not previously had a grant. All grants are one-off and this fund is unable to make long-term commitments. Evaluations will be required 2 months after project completion.

What will we not fund?
Whilst wishing to be as flexible as possible, we are unable to fund individuals, activities which are primarily religious in purpose, animal welfare, projects which have already happened, lobbying or political activities, legal costs or advocacy for individuals or groups, or work that is primarily the responsibility of statutory authorities.


No Min - £1,000
no deadline
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