Nicola Butler MBE for services to the Play Sector

Nicola Butler MBE for services to the Play Sector
Nicola has worked in a voluntary role to support and advocate for children’s play, as a founding trustee of PlayEngland - the national charity for children’s play - serving as Treasurer and Chair of Trustees. In addition to her role as CEO of Young K&C, Nicola volunteers as Chair of the UK Children's Play Policy Forum – A collective voice for children’s play, bringing together national organisations that support children’s play.
Through collaboration and listening, Nicola has created better futures for children and young people as an advocate for the organisations working with them and the services that support them. We are very proud of Nicola’s continuous support and advocacy of children’s play services and continue to see this high level of quality throughout all areas of her work at Young K&C.
Here's what Nicola had to say about her award:
It’s been my privilege to work with so many fantastic organisations across the voluntary, public and private sectors, to support children’s play. Whether it is play in parks, playgrounds, public spaces, adventure playgrounds, housing estates, schools or street play, it is a joy to work in a sector that enables children and young people to experience fun, friends and freedom.
I am very touched to have been nominated for this award by my lovely friends and colleagues at Play England.
There is still so much more to be done. I am passionate about ensuring that children of all backgrounds and abilities including disabled children, girls, Global Majority children and children growing up in poverty can access high quality play opportunities in their local area.
Many small voluntary organisations work on a shoestring to organise play and support for children and families, reaching and helping the most disadvantaged families. Through my work at Young K&C I hope to be able to support more of those organisations. What is needed now is government investment in vital play services.